Source code for tract_querier.tractography.tractography

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['Tractography']

[docs]class Tractography: r""" Class to represent a tractography dataset Parameters ---------- tracts : list of float array :math:`N_i\times 3` Each element of the list is a tract represented as point array, the length of the i-th tract is :math:`N_i` tracts_data : dict of <data name>= list of float array of :math:`N_i\times M` Each element in the list corresponds to a tract, :math:`N_i` is the length of the i-th tract and M is the number of components of that data type. validate : bool Check that tracts and tracts_data are valid """ def __init__(self, tracts=None, tracts_data=None, validate=True, **kwargs): if tracts is not None and tracts_data is None: tracts_data = {} self._tracts = [] self._quantity_of_points_per_tract = None self._tract_map = None self._subsampled_tracts = None self._subsampled_data = None self._extra_args = [] for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k[0] != '_': setattr(self, k, v) self._extra_args.append(k) if tracts is not None: self.append(tracts, tracts_data, validate=validate) @property def extra_args(self): ret = {} for k in self._extra_args: ret[k] = getattr(self, k) return ret
[docs] def append(self, tracts, tracts_data=None, validate=True): r""" Append tracts and corresponding data to the current set Parameters ---------- tracts : list of float array :math:`N_i\times 3` Each element of the list is a tract represented as point array, the length of the i-th tract is :math:`N_i` tracts_data : dict of <data name>= list of float array of :math:`N_i\times M` Each element in the list corresponds to a tract, :math:`N_i` is the length of the i-th tract and M is the number of components of that data type. validate : bool Check that tracts and tracts_data are valid """ if tracts_data is None: tracts_data = {} if len(self._tracts) == 0: self._tracts = tracts self._tracts_data = tracts_data appending = False else: appending = True if validate: if tracts is not None: try: if any( not ( t.ndim == 2 and t.shape[1] == 3 ) for t in tracts ): raise ValueError( 'First argument is not a list of tracts') except AttributeError: raise ValueError('First argument is not a list of tracts') if tracts_data is not None and hasattr(tracts_data, 'iteritems'): for k, v in tracts_data.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, str): continue if len(v) != len(tracts): raise ValueError( 'Number of elements in attribute %s must ' 'be the same as the number of tracts' % k ) _, M = v[0].shape for i, tract_v in enumerate(v): N, tract_M = tract_v.shape if ( (N != len(tracts[i])) or (tract_M != M) ): raise ValueError( "Data for tract %s: %d is inconsistent" % ( k, i) ) if appending: if tracts_data.keys() != self._tracts_data.keys(): raise ValueError("Tract data to append not compatible") if any( self._tracts_data[k][0].shape[1] != v[0].shape[1] for k, v in tracts_data.iteritems() if not isinstance(v, str) ): raise ValueError("Tract data to append not compatible") for k, v in tracts_data.iteritems(): self._tracts_data[k] += v self._tracts += tracts if self.are_tracts_subsampled(): self.subsample_tracts(self._quantity_of_points_per_tract) if self.are_tracts_filtered(): self.filter_tracts(self._criterium)
[docs] def unsubsample_tracts(self): r""" Reset any subsampling applied to the tracts """ self._subsampled_tracts = None self._subsampled_data = None
[docs] def unfilter_tracts(self): r""" Reset any filtering applied to the tracts """ self._tract_map = None
[docs] def subsample_tracts(self, points_per_tract): r""" Subsample the tracts in the dataset to a maximum number of points per tract Parameters ---------- points_per_tract: int Maximum number of points per tract after the operation is executed """ self._quantity_of_points_per_tract = points_per_tract self._subsampled_tracts = [] self._subsampled_data = {} for k in self._tracts_data: self._subsampled_data[k] = [] for i in xrange(len(self._tracts)): f = self._tracts[i] s = np.linspace( 0, f.shape[0] - 1, min(f.shape[0], self._quantity_of_points_per_tract) ).round().astype(int) self._subsampled_tracts.append(f[s, :]) for k, v in self._tracts_data.iteritems(): if not isinstance(v, str): self._subsampled_data[k].append(v[i][s]) self._interpolated = False
[docs] def filter_tracts(self, criterium): r""" Filter the tracts in the set according to a criterium function Parameters ---------- criterium : function of array :math:`N\times 3` -> Bool A function taking a tract as an array of 3D points and returning True or False with specifying if it should be included """ if len(self._subsampled_tracts) > 0: tracts = self._subsampled_tracts data = self._subsampled_data else: tracts = self._tracts data = self._data self._tract_map = filter( lambda i: criterium(tracts), xrange(len(tracts)) ) self._filtered_tracts = [tracts[i] for i in self._tract_map] self._filtered_data = {} for k, v in data.iteritems(): self._filtered_data[k] = [ v[i] for i in self._tract_map ] self._criterium = criterium
[docs] def are_tracts_filtered(self): return self._tract_map is not None
[docs] def are_tracts_subsampled(self): return self._subsampled_tracts is not None
[docs] def original_tracts(self): r""" Tract set used to original construct this tractography object, no subsampling or filtering applied Returns ------- tracts : list of float array :math:`N_i\times3` Each element of the list is a tract represented as point array, the length of the i-th tract is :math:`N_i` """ return self._tracts
[docs] def original_tracts_data(self): r""" Tract data contained of the original dataset of this tractography object Returns ------- tract data : dict of <data name>= list of float array of :math:`N_i\times M` Each element in the list corresponds to a tract, :math:`N_i` is the length of the i-th tract and M is the number of components of that data type. """ return self._tracts_data
[docs] def filtered_tracts_map(self): r""" Tract indices included after the filtering Returns ------- List of tract indices included after the filtering """ return self._tract_map
[docs] def tracts(self): r""" Tracts contained in this tractography object after filtering and subsampling if these operations have been applied Returns ------- tracts : list of float array :math:`N_i\times 3` Each element of the list is a tract represented as point array, the length of the i-th tract is :math:`N_i` """ if self._tract_map is not None: return self._filtered_tracts elif self._subsampled_tracts is not None: return self._subsampled_tracts else: return self._tracts
[docs] def tracts_data(self): r""" Tract data contained in this tractography object after filtering and subsampling if these operations have been applied Returns ------- tract data : dict of <data name>= list of float array of :math:`N_i\times M` Each element in the list corresponds to a tract, :math:`N_i` is the length of the i-th tract and M is the number of components of that data type. """ if self._tract_map is not None: return self._filtered_data elif self._subsampled_data is not None: return self._subsampled_data else: return self._tracts_data
[docs] def add_tract_data_from_array(self, name, array): r""" Add a new data element reproducing a constant data value for each of the :math:`$M$` tracts. After execution, the tract data will have a new set original_tracts_data()[name][i][:] == array[i] Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the new data element array : array of length :math:`$M$` Data value for each tract """ data = [ np.ones((len(self.original_tracts()[i]), 1)) * array[i] for i in xrange(len(self.tracts())) ] self.original_tracts_data()[name] = data if self._subsampled_tracts is not None: self.subsample_tracts(self._quantity_of_points_per_tract)